
A movement to promote people accepting compliments by saying “thank you”, period. Forget the standard rejecting statements we often say to downgrade the compliment. Let’s hold our heads high and proud and own the compliments!

Download the Accept the Compliment logo and use to be part of the movement.


Sponsor a challenge, details are below. Contact me to personalize your organization’s experience.

Donate $0.99 each time you observe someone accepting a compliment without rejection. Invite the person who accepted the compliment to do the same. Venmo @acceptthecompliment. 

100% of the donations will go to a nonprofit of your choice.

The challenge begins with a launch party and ends with the top givers joining in a celebration at an in person event where a check will be provided to the nonprofit.

  • Speaking

    Shannon builds trust with her audience by sharing memorable stories that create lasting impressions. She is authentic and comfortable both virtually and in rooms of all sizes. Her contagious energy motivates others on confidence, belonging, and resiliency.

  • Group Classes

    Shannon offers a selection of virtual group classes for both women committed to building confidence and organizations dedicated to increasing engagement and retention. The classes are many weeks to allow time for new habits to become consistent.

  • One-on-One

    Shannon is dynamite in one-on-one interactions. She gives all of her attention and listens intently to quickly partner and together determine next steps.

  • Co-create Programs

    Shannon is a strong collaborator. She listens to the current state of a situation, asks key questions and shares impactful points to co-create programs for team members to feel part of the change and most importantly be ongoing. Shannon is an executor and sticks with the organization to ensure results are achieved.

Every life has a story…what’s yours?